There are few things as important to your business as security. Sure, you need a great product or service and plenty of customers if you are going to make money, but you also need to have a secure facility. In the absence of security, you will be too busy dealing with break-ins and other issues to focus on growing your profits. If you don’t yet have a quality business security system in place, now is the time to find one which meets your needs.
When shopping for business security cameras, you will find that there is a lot to learn. If you feel lost while shopping, the following list of important keys should point you in the right direction.
Indoor or Outdoor
Obviously, this point depends on where you plan on installing the camera. If your cameras are only going to be mounted inside the building, you can stick with inside cameras (obviously). Cameras which are meant for outside use are designed to be tougher, both to stand up to the elements as well as potential vandalism. Of course, those cameras are often more expensive, so you don’t want to pay for features you don’t need. Make sure all cameras you select match with their intended use either indoors or outside.
Camera Style
It isn’t enough to say that you need some ‘security cameras’, as there are plenty of different types of these cameras on the market today. For instance, if you want a camera that you can control remotely, you will want to look for a ‘PTZ’ model, where PTZ stands for pan-tilt-zoom. Alternatively, you could pick out a basic bullet camera or a dome camera. Again here, the choice you make comes down to what you expect the camera to do for you once installed.
You will probably think about this point early on in your security camera selection process. Higher resolution cameras are obviously going to give you a better picture, but they are going to come with a higher price tag as well. Is it important for you to get a clear recording from your security system? It will be key for some businesses to have high-res cameras, while others will be just fine with a basic model.
Frame Rate
Resolution is not the only issue to consider when thinking about picture quality. Frame rate matters as well, as a low frame rate is going to lead to a poor quality, ‘choppy’ recording. When you combine a high frame rate with high resolution, you are left with great video that will allow you to see the covered area in great detail.
There is no ‘best’ business security camera, as all businesses have unique needs. In addition to the points above, other considerations to make are the ability to record audio, the lighting in the area, and more. Pick out the cameras which best suit your needs and have them installed so you have great coverage over your property at all times.