Sometimes having old devices means you don’t get to enjoy the latest bells and whistles. Other times, it means your safety could be at risk. When it comes to security systems, it’s the latter. Whether your system is protecting your home or your business, it’s important to keep up with and react to the latest innovations in technology. Otherwise, you’re putting yourself at risk. What happens when your security camera system fails to deter an intruder?
There are plenty of questions you can ask yourself to determine whether you’re due for a system upgrade. Do you experience false alarms? Have you experienced break-ins? Let’s take a look at every angle.
Is Your Technology Up-to-Date?
To say technological advancement has been rapid is an understatement. It seems like just yesterday that everyone was relying on strong locks on windows and doors. Now? You can’t walk through a neighborhood without seeing several security system warnings in people’s yards. But just because so many people have systems installed doesn’t mean every one of them is up-to-date. Is yours able to keep up with recent technological advances and the cunning schemes of intruders?
Analog cameras, wired setups, and basic control panels have served their purpose, but they can’t hold a candle to the modern security camera system. What’s available today offers functionality and reliability that’s leaps and bounds ahead of what came before—wireless installation, cloud storage, facial recognition, motion detection, smart device integration—we could go on for a while. If your current security camera system is lacking these things, it’s probably time for an upgrade.
Do You Experience Frequent False Alarms?
Wear and tear doesn’t just affect the casing of your old system. It takes a toll on how well it functions. In addition to its lack of modern features, the ones it was designed to carry out may be faltering. A significant sign of this is false alarms. In addition to being annoying and frustrating, they can incur significant fees for no reason if you rely on professional monitoring services or response from law enforcement. Furthermore, if you experience frequent false alarms, you run the risk of a “cry wolf” situation, in which you simply assume nothing is wrong every time the alarm is triggered.
Is Your Security Camera System Compatible With Smart Devices?
Today, everything is interconnected. Your security devices should be, as well. While smart device integration may have been a security system luxury just a few years ago, it’s a necessity at this point. Without integration features, you’re missing out on not only convenience, but added protection of a fully integrated smart home. Current systems provide features that let you monitor and control everything from your smartphone, tablet, or smartwatch—whether you’re home or on the other side of the globe.
Is Your Video Quality Good Enough?
Identifying intruders is a vital part of your safety, as well as the ability of authorities to apprehend suspects who try to break into a property. If your security camera system provides blurry or grainy imagery, this can be difficult. A modern security system installation will provide high-definition visuals that leave no doubt as to what’s going on. After all, today’s televisions offer a crystal-clear picture. Why shouldn’t your security cameras do the same?
Is Your Security at Risk?
There’s no denying that cyber attacks are becoming more sophisticated. New tools and tactics are always being developed by those who intend to gain unauthorized access to both physical and digital spaces. If your system is out-of-date, it will be that much easier to hack into it. Once that happens, locks can be disabled, cameras can be turned off, and footage can be erased. Defending against this is vital in today’s world, meaning a new security system installation is necessary for anyone with an “antique” setup.
Have You Experienced Recent Break-Ins or Security Breaches?
Perhaps the most telling indicator that you need a new security system installation is if you’ve experienced recent break-ins. If your old system has failed—on even one occasion—to deter intruders, something needs to be done. If you’ve had a recent incident, it’s important to review your setup. Maybe something was installed improperly, or maybe you need an entirely new security camera system.
Are You Ready for Better Security?
Recent statistics make one thing abundantly clear: Security systems are quite effective. But that doesn’t mean an outdated one will cut it. We cannot stress enough how important it is to upgrade your security system before an incident occurs. If your answers to the questions above paint a picture of an inadequate security system, we’ll be happy to help. Our experts can provide sound advice on fixes for your current setup or a new security system installation. Get in touch today for unparalleled home and business safety solutions.