Unfortunately, parking lots are a common location for crime. Whether it is a simple break-in of a vehicle, or something else, it is a good idea to have commercial parking lots monitored for safety. There are a number of excellent parking lot security cameras on the market today, so it is easier than ever before to monitor activity on your property.
So, what should you be looking for when you shop for cameras that can serve your needs? Let’s take a look at some important points.
Do You Need Night Vision?
To start with, think about your specific needs for the parking lot security camera system you will eventually purchase. Is night vision a feature that will benefit your situation? In many cases, the answer is going to be ‘yes’. As long as there is some type of activity in the parking lot after dark, it is a good idea to have cameras with night vision capabilities. The only possible exception to this is when cameras are being used on a parking lot that is never used at night. As long as there are some cars parked in the lot on some occasions after dark, night vision is a great choice.
Consider Resolution
If you are hoping to get images with high enough quality to identify the suspect and maybe even pick up a license plate number, you will want to go with a resolution that is at the high end of the spectrum. Specifically, you will want to look at 1440p cameras. Of course, cameras at this resolution level are going to be costlier to purchase, but they will provide you with an impressive level of performance. Should you decide that actual identification is not your top priority, you may be able to go down to 1080p or even 720p.
Think About Cost
At some point in every shopping process, you are going to have to think about cost. It would be great if you could shop based only on the needs of your business rather than the budget, but that isn’t how the world works. Fortunately, you might be surprised to find that parking lot cameras are actually relatively affordable, especially in comparison to the security coverage they can provide. Establish a budget for this project and then shop around to see what kinds of options are available to you.
With any luck, your newly-installed security camera system will deter crime from even occurring in the first place. If a criminal sees that a parking lot is covered with cameras, he or she may just move on to another target, rather than risk getting caught in the act. You certainly want your business parking lot to be a safe place for both customers and employees, and that all starts by putting quality security cameras in place. Think through your needs when starting the shopping process and it should be pretty easy to locate an excellent solution.